
[OE-A-CORE 5.1] Please update kodi-addon-inputstream-adaptive-nexus to v20.2.2

MastaG opened this issue · 4 comments

Running OpenATV 7.1 with Kodi 20 on Octagon sf8008.
Installed Netflix from official repository: https://github.com/castagnait/repository.castagnait/raw/kodi/repository.castagnait-2.0.0.zip

New streams starting OK, however resume stream will show green artifacts / corruption on screen.
Please update https://github.com/oe-alliance/oe-alliance-core/blob/5.1/meta-oe/recipes-mediacenter/kodi-addons/kodi-addon-inputstream-adaptive-nexus_git.bb to v20.2.2.
It has possible fixes for this issue, see:

If not, then please try to find a workaround to disable HiPlayer only on Netflix streams.
Don't know how to achieve this.

build broken for some targets, needs more investigation, reverted for now

Ah I'm sorry.
Unfortunately I don't have access to any build machines so I can't help out.
Nevertheless I hope you get the updated version of this plugin working as it fixes many issues for playback of VOD like Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime etc..

update version in branch 5.2