
An actor-based Blockchain in Scala and Akka Typed

Primary LanguageScalaGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

Akka Typed Blockchain

This is an Actor-based application in Scala that runs a cryptocurrency with a decentralized blockchain ledger on distributed cluster nodes. It simulates mining activities by individual miners to compete for adding new blocks to the blockchain by means of a consensual algorithm.

The blockchain application involves using of hash functions, Merkle trees and some basic public key cryptographic functions. Proof-of-Work is adopted as the concensus algorithm. The core functionality for operating the decentralized blockchain is implemented using Akka Typed actors with Distributed Publish/Subscribe on an Akka cluster.

For an overview of the application, please visit Genuine Blog. Feature-wise, this application is identical to the old Akka Blockchain application which uses the loosely typed Akka classic API. There is a mini blog series that details how to migrate relevant features from the old API to Akka Typed.

With the default configuration, the application will launch an Akka cluster locally on a single host with two seed nodes at port 2551 and 2552, allowing additional nodes bound to different ports to join the cluster.

The main program takes 2 arguments: a port# and a path to the miner's public-key file; and an optional 3rd argument: "test" for a quick test (as opposed to entering a mining loop):

$ sbt "runMain akkablockchain.Main port# /path/to/minerPublicKey [test]"

To save time for cryptographic key generation (required for user accounts) in application startup, a few public-keys (accountX_public.pem; X=0,..,9) have been created and saved under "{project-root}/src/main/resources/keys/". To generate additional keys, method generateKeyPairPemFiles() within the included Crypto class can be used.

Running akka-typed-blockchain on separate JVMs

Git-clone the repo to a local disk, open up separate shell command line terminals and launch the application from the project-root on separate terminals by binding them to different port#.

  1. Start 1st cluster seed node at port 2551 using account0 as 1st miner's account
$ sbt "runMain akkablockchain.Main 2551 src/main/resources/keys/account0_public.pem [test]"
  1. Start 2nd cluster seed node at port 2552 using account1 as 2nd miner's account
$ sbt "runMain akkablockchain.Main 2552 src/main/resources/keys/account1_public.pem [test]"
  1. Start another cluster node at port 2553 using account2 as 3rd miner's account
$ sbt "runMain akkablockchain.Main 2553 src/main/resources/keys/account2_public.pem [test]"
  1. Start cluster nodes for additional miners at other ports