dailyOemer Blog Raw Jekyll Files

This is the source for my personal blog called dailyOemer.com.


sudo easy_install Pygments
bundle install

Build & Deploy to Github

For a automatic build and deploy process I use couple of bash commands. I got the idea from Charlie Park's Jekyll + Plugins + Github + You article

alias build_blog="\
cd ~/workspace/oemera.github.com.raw; \
rm -r _site; rm -r _clicky_cache; ejekyll; \
cd ~/workspace/oemera.github.com; \
rm -rf $(ls -la | grep -v .git | grep -v . | grep -v .. | grep -v .nojekyll | grep -v README.md); \
cp -r ~/workspace/oemera.github.com.raw/_site/* \
~/workspace/oemera.github.com; \
cd ~/workspace/oemera.github.com; \
git add .;git commit -am 'Latest build.';git push"

alias bb="build_blog"