
Perhaps wrong argument in examples/storage_investment v1-v3: nominal_value instead of investment

Closed this issue · 2 comments

In the example (examples/storage_investment) v1-v3 (here) the argument for generic storage is nominal_value:

storage = solph.components.GenericStorage(
inputs={bel: solph.Flow(variable_costs=0.0001)},
outputs={bel: solph.Flow()},
invest_relation_input_capacity=1 / 6,
invest_relation_output_capacity=1 / 6,

This leads to the following error message:
TypeError: GenericStorage.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'nominal_value''
It seems like nominal_value should be replaced by investment:

I the documentation it states:

"Investment in this context refers to the value of the variable for the ‘nominal_value’ (installed capacity) in the investment mode." (here)

I am not that familiar with github yet and perhaps there is something about the version history I am not aware of, thus I wanted to submit it in this form first. Perhaps it was (un)intentionally changed here.

Would be great to get some feedback on this issue.

Thank you for opening this issue and I guess you are right about all of it.
I think, nominal_value there needs to be replaced with nominal_storage_capacity for the GenericStorage unit itself, see the code of the storage component. It must have been a copy & paste / find & replace error.

Also see #991. (For future releases, I suggest to rename both, nominal_storage_capacity and nominal_value, to nominal_capacity.)