
Redis client for Delphi

Primary LanguagePascalApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Delphi Redis client

Redis client for Delphi 10.1 Berlin, Delphi 10 Seattle, XE8, XE7, XE6 and XE5 (should works also with older versions)

This client is able to send all Redis commands and read the response using an internal parser.

Some commands have a specialized dedicated method.

This is the interface used to send command to the Redis server. Each method is a Redis command. Hi level methods implementing some integration design pattern are planned (e.g. Push a JSONObject, Pop a Stream and so on).

  IRedisClient = interface
    //single values
    function &SET(const AKey, AValue: string): boolean;
    function GET(const AKey: string; out AValue: string): boolean;
    function DEL(const AKeys: array of string): Integer;
    function MSET(const AKeysValues: array of string): boolean;
    function KEYS(const AKeyPattern: string): TArray<string>;
    // lists
    function RPUSH(const AListKey: string; AValues: array of string): Integer;
    function RPUSHX(const AListKey: string; AValues: array of string): Integer;
    function RPOP(const AListKey: string; var Value: string): boolean;
    function LPUSH(const AListKey: string; AValues: array of string): Integer;
    function LPUSHX(const AListKey: string; AValues: array of string): Integer;
    function LPOP(const AListKey: string; out Value: string): boolean;
    function LLEN(const AListKey: string): Integer;
    function LRANGE(const AListKey: string; IndexStart, IndexStop: Integer): TArray<string>;
    function RPOPLPUSH(const ARightListKey, ALeftListKey: string; var APoppedAndPushedElement: string): boolean;
    function BLPOP(const AKeys: array of string; const ATimeout: Int32; out Value: TArray<string>): boolean;
    function BRPOP(const AKeys: array of string; const ATimeout: Int32; out Value: TArray<string>): boolean;
    function LREM(const AListKey: string; const ACount: Integer; const AValue: string): Integer;

    // system
    function FLUSHDB: boolean;

    // raw execute
    function ExecuteWithStringArrayResult(const RedisCommand: string): TArray<string>;
    function ExecuteWithIntegerResult(const RedisCommand: string): TArray<string>;
    // non sys
    function Tokenize(const ARedisCommand: string): TArray<string>;
    procedure Disconnect;

Delphi Redis Client is not tied to a specific TCP/IP library. Currently it uses INDY but you can implement the IRedisNetLibAdapter and wrap whatever library you like.

  IRedisNetLibAdapter = interface
    procedure Connect(const HostName: string; const Port: Word);
    procedure Send(const Value: string);
    procedure SendCmd(const Values: TRedisCmdParts);
    function Receive(const Timeout): string;
    procedure Disconnect;

This is a simple demo showing the utilization pattern (using the builtin INDY library support).

program SetGet;


{$R *.res}

  System.SysUtils, Redis.Client, Redis.NetLib.INDY;

  Redis: IRedisClient;
  Value: string;

    Redis := NewRedisClient('localhost');
    Redis.&SET('firstname', 'Daniele');
    Redis.GET('firstname', Value);
    WriteLn('key firstname, value ', Value);
    WriteLn('DEL firstname');
    if Redis.GET('firstname', Value) then
      write('Key firstname not exists');
    on E: Exception do
      WriteLn(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message);


Each feature is unit tested.

This project is related to the DelphiMVCFramework project and will be used by it (https://github.com/danieleteti/delphimvcframework)

To discuss about DelphiMVCProject or DelphiRedisClient, use the facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/delphimvcframework/