
Smokeping Slave fails to download the config in full, or nginx is failing to serve the data properly.

lockywolf opened this issue · 2 comments

I have a weird question.

I recently switched from Apache+CGI to Nginx+spawn-fcgi.

On the master node everything works like charm.

However, since then I am having trouble starting the slave node. The node complains with the following message :

WARNING http://ipv4.laptop.vultr.lwf/smokeping/smokeping.fcgi sent data with wrong key at /opt/smokeping-2.7.3/lib/Smokeping/Slave.pm line 107.
ERROR: we did not get config from the master. Maybe we are not configured as a slave for any of the targets on the master ?

However, this is a redherring. The key was correct, it is data that was wrong (and thus the hash). I dumped the $config into a file on both master and slave, and found that SmokePing is not receiving about half of the config. My config on the master is ~80k, and on the slave it is only 43k, and is abruptly ending without being a proper brace expression.

I am not sure in which place my setup is wrong, but at least it would be nice from smokeping to check the validity of the downloaded data before hashing it and complaining about the wrong secret.

I am not sure what makes the data to not be delivered in full. Suggestions welcome! Perhaps some obscure nginx setting?

Ok, in nginx it is possible to work around this by setting:

fastcgi_buffering off;

Although I am not sure this is a correct solution.

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