
Slave submit results using Oauth 2 Bearer Token

mirceaulinic opened this issue · 7 comments

I have a situation where I need to only permit HTTP access to my Smokeping Master behind an Single Sign-On. Therefore, the Smokeping native Master <> Slave basic authentication isn't sufficient and won't work.

I therefore am opening this feature request in order to suggest adding Bearer Token authentication. If my understanding is correct, we only need to add the Auth: Bearer <token> here, i.e.,

    my $response = $ua->post(
        Content_Type => 'form-data',
        Auth => 'Bearer ${bearer_token}',
        Content => [
            slave => $slave_cfg->{slave_name},
            key  => hmac_md5_hex($data_dump,$slave_cfg->{shared_secret}),
            protocol => $PROTOCOL,
            data => $data_dump,
            config_time => $cfg->{__last} || 0,

I'd probably add the bearer token as an argument, so we can start the process as, e.g., smokeping --master-url <master> --slave-name <name> --bearer-token <token>.

Does this make sense?

Opening this issue for now to gather feedback and eventual pointers, and I can open a PR to implement this change if the maintainers agree.

that looks good. maybe instead of calling this --bearer-token just call it '--extra-header'

--extra-header='Auth: Bearer xxxxxx'

and then do

my ($xhead,$xval) = split /:\s+/, $opt{'extra-header'}, 2;
$xhead => $xval

or something along these lines, then it becomes more generic

Thanks for the (quick) suggestion @oetiker! I like the idea to make this more generic. Wondering if we should take this further and allow multiple extra headers then?

sure, while you are at it ... just allow for the option to be added multiple times

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Yes, please kep it open, been lazy / busy to get back to this...

This would be very nice feature - but would like the multiple headers option. eg: Cloudflare uses 2 headers for service tokens.


edit: to also add, putting the token on the command line wouldn't be good as it becomes visible to all users to steal. Is it possible to incorporate into the shared-secret file or similar? (I know, makes it a pain)

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