
Build errors on OSX

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I'm also getting similar build errors as reported in issue #42. I downloaded the master of both open frameworks and ofxKinect. I noticed there are 3 different project files in ofxKinect, "ofxKinect", "ofxKinect-OF007", and "ofxKinect-beta" which each have different targets. I tried to build each target in each proj file and was only successful in building the openFrameworks target in all three. Could you include n00b instructions for getting up and running? I'm assuming my issues are related to version mismatch between ofxKinect and open frameworks but I'm not sure where the disconnect is. Should the master of ofxKinect work out of the box with the master of open frameworks?

Do not use openframeworks master as that is under development and can be considered unstable. Use the 007 tag instead.

Yes, ofxKinect is messy right now, but the current master will work fine with OF 007. I will clean up the projects shortly.

Ok, everything is cleaned up. Please re-download and try the OF 007 tag. There's only one project and it's for OF 007.

Cool! I'll check it out now.

Also, if you are using Xcode 4, change the scheme from openframeworks lib to ofxKinectExample. It's the arrow/dropdown box to the right of the Stop button. I didn't get this at first and was wondering why it wasn't building/running ...

I checked out 007 from openframeworks and the master of ofxKinect. I still get a bunch of build errors, here's one of them:
openFrameworks/addons/ofxKinect/example/../../../addons/ofxKinect/libs/libfreenect/usb_libusb10.c:31:31: error: libusb-1.0/libusb.h: No such file or directory

and here's another:
openFrameworks/addons/ofxKinect/example/../../../addons/ofxKinect/libs/libfreenect/libfreenect.h:176: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or 'attribute' before 'freenect_usb_context'

Just for clarity (b/c I'm no git expert) I ran:
git clone https://github.com/openframeworks/openFrameworks.git
git checkout 007

Then inside the addons folder I ran:
git clone git://github.com/ofTheo/ofxKinect.git

What system and dev tools do you have? I have none of year issues. Are you cleaning the project before running in case any old build files are left over?

I'm running XCode 4.0.2 Build 4A2002a. I was aware of the scheme selection and have managed to build the openframeworks target correctly but I still get errors on the ofxKinect even after a clean.

CliffMac:openFrameworks cliff$ git branch

  • (no branch)

CliffMac:openFrameworks cliff$ cd addons/ofxKinect/
CliffMac:ofxKinect cliff$ git branch

  • master

It doesn't look like I have 007 checked out from openframeworks. Forgive me but I am very unexperienced with git. How do I pull or clone the 007 branch?

It's a tag, the same as with OF:

git clone git://github.com/ofTheo/ofxKinect.git
cd ofxKinect
git checkout 007

Something weird must be going on on your system. Did you completely remove ofxKinect before cloning it again? aka:

cd addons
rm -rf ofxKinect

Also, the example project files have been renamed to "ofxKinectExample". Make sure you're not running one of the old projects ...

I have same issue.

Ok, I see it's a bad path in the Project.xconfig. I just updated, try the master branch.

yup just removed and re-checkedout everything from scratch and I get:
In file included from /Users/cliff/dev/Kinect/openFrameworks/addons/ofxKinect/example/../../../addons/ofxKinect/src/ofxKinect.h:14,
from /Users/cliff/dev/Kinect/openFrameworks/addons/ofxKinect/example/../../../addons/ofxKinect/src/ofxKinect.cpp:1:
/Users/cliff/dev/Kinect/openFrameworks/addons/ofxKinect/example/../../../addons/ofxKinect/libs/libfreenect/libfreenect.h:175:33: error: libusb-1.0/libusb.h: No such file or directory

Sorry, that was after checking out the 007 tag in both openFrameworks and ofxKinect.

RIght but the fix is in the master branch, do not checkout the 007 tag. If the fix works, I'll move the tag.

I just removed then checked out ofxKinect clean and I still get

/Users/cliff/dev/Kinect/openFrameworks/addons/ofxKinect/example/../../../addons/ofxKinect/libs/libfreenect/libfreenect.h:175:33: error: libusb-1.0/libusb.h: No such file or directory

change OFX_KINECT_HEADERS = "$(ADDONS_PATH)/ofxKinect/libs/libusb/osx/include/"

in Project.xcconfig

Yes, this is what I've done in the master branch. Please checkout master and test ...

=) no, your path is $(ADDONS_PATH)/ofxKinect/libs/limbs/include/
change to $(ADDONS_PATH)/ofxKinect/libs/libusb/__osx/__include/

ah ok, woops. Thanks for the pull request. I wonder why it dosen't fail on my machine ...

maybe that happens because you have global installed libusb?

Yes that's it exactly. I forgot I had it installed by Homebrew .. no I get the errors without it.

Ok all good. Thanks for finding that.