TCP timeout while retrieving port mappings (ERROR: While updating UPnP port mapping. Failed with error code [5])
ggonmar opened this issue · 2 comments
Hi there,
I apologize in advance for opening yet a second issue, but I am encountering a different problem when using this library when on a different SSID (and thus different router).
The point where I'm hitting the error is right after connecting to the IGD, when I see the following error on the logs:
`TCP connection timeout while retrieving port mappings
called addPortMappingEntry
Connecting to IGD with host [] port [80]
Connected to IGD
deviceInfo->actionPath []
deviceInfo->serviceTypeName []
Content-Length was: 546
TCP connection timeout while adding a port mapping
Apply action [GetSpecificPortMappingEntry] on port mapping [semaforito]
Connecting to IGD with host [] port [80]
Connected to IGD
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle="">
<u:GetSpecificPortMappingEntry xmlns:u="">
This is perpetuated and repeated every N seconds, thus limiting greatly the processing capacity of the ESP8266 - seems it is too focused on trying to sort out the UPnP so it does not do anything else :/
I am attaching to this issue a whole log of the initialisation of my server and the attempts TinyUPnP is doing, as well as the xmls it retrieves from the router.
I guess I need to do something about the line Apply action [GetSpecificPortMappingEntry] on port mapping [semaforito]
, but I am unsure how to do so, may I get some assistance??
BIG thanks in advance
Have you tried pls?