
Backup the entire content without directory

Closed this issue · 4 comments

What are you trying to do?
Currently, I have 2 folders and several files inside the /backup directory. How can I archive them, so that we don't have /backup directory inside the archive, but only it's content?

m90 commented

That's currently not supported (not sure if a "rootless" tar archive is even expected), but you can definitely strip the /backup directory at untar time by using --strip-components:

Yeah, I know about --strip-components, just don't wanna keep the root folder in the backups. tar supports having multiple directories in root, you may specify them when you do create archive: tar -zcvf a.tgz a b c

m90 commented

Is there anything you cannot do because of the root folder? Or is this merely an "aesthetic" preference?

Well, it just adds extra work for backup users, who want to unpack. It means they will be required to update their scripts since previously we did not have an extra root folder in backups.