
Entity Extractor for Rasa using Microsoft Recognizers Text

Primary LanguagePython

Entity Extractor

Entity Extractor built for Rasa using Microsoft Recognizers Text for extractig common entities like dates, time, currency, age, email id and others.

I have built the Entity Extactor as an alternative for Duckling Entity Extractor, since there some problems using Duckling as it requires one server running for entity extraction as well as it's not available directly on Windows system.

Please note that this entity extractor doesn't call's any cloud api, it works offline.

How to setup?

Note: Make sure you have already installed and setup the Rasa on your system

  • Step 1 : Install the Recognizer's suite with the following command: pip install recognizers-text-suite

  • Step 2 : Copy the MSRTEntityExtractor.py file in your project directory:


  • Step 3 : Add the reference of our Entity Extractor inside the Rasa NLU pipeline configuration file, as shown below:

# Configuration for Rasa NLU.
# https://rasa.com/docs/rasa/nlu/components/

language: "en"

- name: "WhitespaceTokenizer"
- name: "RegexFeaturizer"
- name: "CRFEntityExtractor"
- name: "EntitySynonymMapper"
- name: "CountVectorsFeaturizer"
- name: "EmbeddingIntentClassifier"
- name: "MSRTEntityExtractor.MSRTExtractor"

# Configuration for Rasa Core.
# https://rasa.com/docs/rasa/core/policies/
  - name: MemoizationPolicy
  - name: KerasPolicy
  - name: MappingPolicy

  • Step 4 : Now you can train your model & test for the Entity Extractor

Check this sample Bot for reference: MoodBot


Type Text Output
Email Id my email id is abcd@gmail.com "entities": [ { "start": 15, "end": 28, "text": "abcd@gmail.com", "entity": "email", "value": "abcd@gmail.com", "extractor": "MSRTExtractor" } ]
DateTime next Thursday at 8pm "entities": [ { "start": 0, "end": 3, "text": "next", "entity": "ordinal", "value": "0", "extractor": "MSRTExtractor" }, { "start": 0, "end": 19, "text": "next thursday at 8pm", "entity": "datetime", "value": "2020-01-02 20:00:00", "extractor": "MSRTExtractor" } ]
Date 31st dec. "entities" : [ { "start" : 0 , "end" : 3 , "text" : "31st" , "entity" : "ordinal" , "value" : "31" , "extractor" : "MSRTExtractor" }, { "start" : 0 , "end" : 7 , "text" : "31st dec" , "entity" : "date" , "value" : "2019-12-31" , "extractor" : "MSRTExtractor" } ]
Currency Show me products below ₹5000 "entities" : [ { "start" : 24 , "end" : 27 , "text" : "5000" , "entity" : "number" , "value" : "5000" , "extractor" : "MSRTExtractor" }, { "start" : 23 , "end" : 27 , "text" : "₹5000" , "entity" : "currency" , "value" : "5000" , "extractor" : "MSRTExtractor" } ],
Phone Number my contact number is 1234567890 "entities" : [ { "start" : 21 , "end" : 30 , "text" : "1234567890" , "entity" : "number" , "value" : "1234567890" , "extractor" : "MSRTExtractor" }, { "start" : 21 , "end" : 30 , "text" : "1234567890" , "entity" : "phonenumber" , "value" : "1234567890" , "extractor" : "MSRTExtractor" } ]
Age I am 23 years old "entities" : [ { "start" : 5 , "end" : 6 , "text" : "23" , "entity" : "number" , "value" : "23" , "extractor" : "MSRTExtractor" }, { "start" : 5 , "end" : 16 , "text" : "23 years old" , "entity" : "age" , "value" : "23" , "extractor" : "MSRTExtractor" }, { "start" : 5 , "end" : 12 , "text" : "23 years" , "entity" : "datetimeV2.duration" , "value" : [ { "timex" : "P23Y" , "type" : "duration" , "value" : "725328000" } ], "extractor" : "MSRTExtractor" } ]
Number I have two apples "entities" : [ { "start" : 7 , "end" : 9 , "text" : "two" , "entity" : "number" , "value" : "2" , "extractor" : "MSRTExtractor" } ]
Ordinal 7th "entities" : [ { "start" : 0 , "end" : 2 , "text" : "7th" , "entity" : "ordinal" , "value" : "7" , "extractor" : "MSRTExtractor" } ]
Percentage one hundred percents "entities" : [ { "start" : 0 , "end" : 10 , "text" : "one hundred" , "entity" : "number" , "value" : "100" , "extractor" : "MSRTExtractor" }, { "start" : 0 , "end" : 19 , "text" : "one hundred percents" , "entity" : "percentage" , "value" : "100%" , "extractor" : "MSRTExtractor" } ]
Temperature Set the temperature to 30 degrees celsius "entities" : [ { "start" : 23 , "end" : 24 , "text" : "30" , "entity" : "number" , "value" : "30" , "extractor" : "MSRTExtractor" }, { "start" : 23 , "end" : 40 , "text" : "30 degrees celsius" , "entity" : "temperature" , "value" : "30" , "extractor" : "MSRTExtractor" } ]
Quarters 1st Quarter of 2020 "entities" : [ { "start" : 15 , "end" : 18 , "text" : "2020" , "entity" : "number" , "value" : "2020" , "extractor" : "MSRTExtractor" }, { "start" : 0 , "end" : 2 , "text" : "1st" , "entity" : "ordinal" , "value" : "1" , "extractor" : "MSRTExtractor" }, { "start" : 0 , "end" : 18 , "text" : "1st quarter of 2020" , "entity" : "daterange" , "value" : { "start_date" : "2020-01-01" , "end_date" : "2020-04-01" }, "extractor" : "MSRTExtractor" } ]

Language Support

Currently I have added suppport for English language, if you want to add other language, just edit the line here:

language = Culture.English

  • Chinese: Culture.Chinese

  • Dutch: Culture.Dutch

  • English: Culture.English

  • French: Culture.French

  • Italian: Culture.Italian

  • Japanese: Culture.Japanese

  • Korean: Culture.Korean

  • Portuguese: Culture.Portuguese

  • Spanish: Culture.Spanish

  • Turkish: Culture.Turkish

    For more info., check the reference
