A full-stack software developer, specialising in the back-end with the focus on Ruby, who is passionately curious about technology.
ogirginc's Followers
- Vermisse
- mstraughan86Las Vegas, Nevada
- puskurukIstanbul, Turkey
- murat@deliveryhero
- KevinHock@grammarly (Formerly @pinterest, @Yelp)
- UgurAldanmazVerilogy OÜ
- BJudgeAmerican Express
- mallikarjunayaddalaUniversum
- lukecartledge@onrunning
- prashantmathiasManchester, UK
- wisteria-hill-technologiesWisteria Hill Technologies Limited
- mannieg@MangoAppsAps
- JulieLevCapgemini
- Frunez@albumprinter
- ProcrasRome, Italy
- arukompas@opcodesio
- bkluczynski-zzLondon
- jonnymoore12
- nomi811Sioux City, IA
- Rob-rls@armakuni
- joesweenySigma7
- SlipperyJLondon
- richo225@meetcleo
- alwinrubyLondon
- cyberplannerLondon
- isoworgMakers Academy
- stoked-zzSalesforce.com
- ShipowUX Devsigner @Algolia
- angusshireUC Berkeley
- cusspvzmosano.eu