
Bitcode requirement

vinicius0026 opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi there, and thanks for you work on this library.

We're playing around with it to see if it is viable for our Carplay app, but one thing that concerns us is the Bitcode compilation requirement.

Bitcode has been recently deprecated in Xcode 14, and flutter will drop support for bitcode in a future release. So I'd like to understand why bitcode is needed for flutter_carplay and whether there are plans for removing this requirement, or if it is currently possible to build an app with flutter_carplay without bitcode compilation.

Thank you!

@vinicius0026 Were you able to come to any conclusions regarding the bitcode compilation requirement? Between the README and the example app, I'm a little confused when it comes to this due to conflicts. It doesn't look like the bitcode enabled flag is set in the example app.

So I'm wondering ... is it actually required?

Hey @derrikf-spindance, we ended up building our own plugin for CarPlay integration, as our requirements were not met by the flutter_carplay library, unfortunately. I don't think I was able to make flutter_carplay work (with or without bitcode compilation).