user login should be implemented
oguzy opened this issue · 4 comments
The uploaded data is saved according to the user_id, better to define a user and a login screen
Good idea. Just don't implement unsalted sha1 hashing when you store the password ;)
You may want to ask for user name (anithing), user id (valid email) and password. store only hash of user id and pass.
On 9 Jun, 2012, at 18:38, Oğuz Yarı wrote:
The uploaded data is saved according to the user_id, better to define a user and a login screen
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Passwords are salted and user email is kept as it hash value. Users should be created manually, for now. A script is defined for this issue.
Wonderful! Thanks.
On 11 Jun, 2012, at 1:15, Oğuz Yarı wrote:
Passwords are salted and user email is kept as it hash value. Users should be created manually, for now. A script is defined for this issue.
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django-sha2. :
On Jun 11, 2012, at 1:15 AM, Oğuz Yarımtepe wrote:
Passwords are salted and user email is kept as it hash value. Users should be created manually, for now. A script is defined for this issue.
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