Question on creating custom database
nattzy94 opened this issue · 5 comments
I am quite new to coding and running linux packages. I just want to check that I am doing the right thing in creating a custom database. Currently, I am using the following command:
update database -d ./co_growth -g ./co_growth -p composite
Can I check that this basically generates a custom database that contains the sequences using all the ".fasta" files in "./co_growth"? Also does it still work if I run the command without an existing database in ./co_growth to be updated?
Thanks and the appreciate the help.
Yes, your current command is ok and should work just fine. You can confirm this from the generated database_misc.txt file and ensuring the first column lists your genomes.
However, i will encourage you separate the Genomes folder from the database folder. Simply create an empty directory as your database directory.
Thanks! Managed to get it to work.
Sorry, another question, the .pdf heatmap file doesn't seem to work for me. I am testing on a file containing sequences of 2 bacterial species. Could this be the reason why?
Yes. The pdfs are heatmaps created with hierachical clustering. You need at least 3 genomes
ok thanks!