
vi-mode inner quote motions

godbout opened this issue · 1 comments

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would be nice to be able to change/delete/select inner quotes hehe :))

Describe the proposed feature.

like in the command line, just call esc then maybe 0 to get to the beginning of the line then ci" and WOOPS the content between "" is gone and ready to type!

Describe alternatives you've considered

tried a couple of other plugins but they're or too slow or don't work when outside the inner quotes. not like Vim.

Additional context

i'm not sure why this is not available currently. is it a technical issue? i built a macOS app that adds a lots of Vim motions on the whole macOS, so i have a bit of experience. if the issue is not technical but a lack of manpower/interest, then i can have a look at the code and see what i can do :))

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of course i felt i needed this for years and decided to post and just found out that it's in zsh source and just need to be explicitly enable lol.


paste in zshrc, uncomment and BOOM. done. super cool.