
poetry-env gets deactivated if changing to a sub directory

Svdvoort opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug

Previous versions of the poetry-env plugin allowed changing to a subdirectory of a poetry directory while keeping the virtual environment active. With the new version changing into a subdirectory will deactivate the environment

Steps to reproduce

  1. Enable plugin poetry-env
  2. Create a folder with poetry environment (.venv folder and pyproject.toml file)
  3. Change to the folder with the poetry environment: the environment gets activated
  4. Create a subdirectory in this folder
  5. Change to the subdirectory: the environment gets deactivated

Expected behavior

The environment should stay activated even with subdirectories and only change when changing to a directory that is does not contain a poetry environment or is not a subdirectory of a directory that contains a poetry environment.

Screenshots and recordings

No response

OS / Linux distribution

Ubuntu 22.04

Zsh version


Oh My Zsh version

master (ee69c14)

Terminal emulator

GNOME terminal

If using WSL on Windows, which version of WSL


Additional context

Related to #12346.
Specifically here line 9.
in_poetry_dir will always be 0 when going from the main poetry directory to a subdirectory and poetry_active will always be 1 in that case, so the environment gets deactivated.
Probably the or-check here should be an and-check: we need to make sure that we are not in a poetry directory and not in a subdirectory of the poetry directory we were in earlier before we deactivate the environment.

I agree, fixed! Thanks for the report!