
Documentation for alias `cd` in cheatsheet

keikoro opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug

The ohmyzsh cheatsheet lists cd as an ohmyzsh alias for navigating to one's home directory.

According to the zsh docs, however, this is a built-in:

Change the current directory. In the first form, change the current directory to arg, or to the value of $HOME if arg is not specified. If arg is ‘-’, change to the previous directory.

... so I'd suggest to remove it to avoid confusion/misleading users (contributed to by the fact the cheatsheet specifically states it "has been edited to only show main Oh My Zsh tricks").

If the ~ tilde is indeed an ohmyzsh alias, that of course makes sense to keep, and its description could e.g. be updated to point out it duplicates the built in cd behaviour.

Only just saw there's a separate repo for the wiki, sorry; perhaps someone could transfer this issue to there.