
laminarc: Option to un-queue a queued job

Closed this issue · 5 comments


This is quite on the wishlist-side of life: Sometimes it'd be quite handy to have a chance to remove a queued job. What's your option about this?

root@toolchaintest-host:# laminarc show-jobs |wc -l
# laminarc show-queued|wc -l

Quite often, I'd like to re-schedule, but that won't work right now. On the current hardware, these jobs may each run in the hours, so waiting for a full cycle is a daunting task. Though due the crashes (or port-8080-unavailability after exception) I can redo the schedule quite often.

Thanks, Jan-Benedict

laminarc abort works on queued jobs since 06a5f3d. Am I missing something?

Seems so! This wasn't at all obvious to me, because laminarc show-queued only names the job names, but not their run numbers. But laminarc abort requires these, so it's kind of hard to do something like

laminarc show-queued | grep '^binutils' | while IFS=: read JOB NUM trash; do
laminarc abort "${JOB}" "${NUM}"

...and the web FE also doesn't show job numbers. So the only way is tracking them? Or pulling them from the database?

Assigning numbers to queued jobs is a relatively new change in laminar, I think the fact that laminarc show-queued does not show their numbers is an oversight and should be fixed.

I am not sure if showing them all on the web frontend is a good idea (at least not on the main page). It could take up a lot of valuable vertical space. Open to suggestions of how to do this effectively.

In the web frontend, why not just display them right the same way as with finished or running jobs? I don't see how that'll claim additional vertical space: As finished, running and queued jobs are listed, it seems it's all one-liners. And their (horizonthal) with is, if at all, dominated by finished/running jobs as their job name is already extended by #nnn, so there's no additional space taken (that's not already claimed.)

Ah, you are right, I was remembering the job-specific page which collapses multiple queued jobs as "#n jobs queued".

Happy to accept a PR that fixes this, would have to be in at least these places:

  • the main page
  • the job-specific page
  • the output of laminarc show-queued

Otherwise I will get to it someday...