
Authors does not show in GitLab self-host

Opened this issue ยท 4 comments

I am using GitLab self-hosted and set the mkdocs configs based on the documents.

  - git-committers:
      token: '...'
      gitlab_hostname: 'git.example.com'
      api_version: 'v4'
      gitlab_repository: 619
      branch: 'main'

What I see is that the commit details including avatar and other things are fetching correctly.

But event though I am using material theme, it does not show any thing at the bottom of the document pages.

Any help?

I have the same issue.

Thanks both for the report. I use GitLab self-hosted myself, and the plugin works. Let's figure this out.

What is interesting is that the plugin seems activated and correctly fetches page authors.

  • @mahdisn76 - do you still have the issue or did you figured it out?
  • @aradovic-at-symmetry - do you also have the contributors being fetched with no error?
  • Are you on Linux / Mac or Windows?
  • Can you check if you have a file in the .cache directory which lists all committers?


Yes, I'm still having the issue. @ojacques
I have tested it on Linux (Ubuntu 22.04).
This is mkdocs server command output:

INFO     -  Building documentation...
WARNING  -  Config value: 'plugins'. Warning: ('api_version', 'Unrecognised configuration name: api_version')
INFO     -  git-committers plugin ENABLED
INFO     -  git-committers: found page authors cache file - loading it
INFO     -  git-committers: fetching contributors for docs/experiences.md
INFO     -  git-committers: fetching contributors for docs/grafana_dashboard.md
INFO     -  git-committers: saving page authors cache file
INFO     -  [15:35:19] Reloading browsers
INFO     -  [15:35:19] Browser connected:

The page-authors.json file generation process is completely Ok, but it still does not show any thing at the bottom of the document pages. Should i do anything with the theme?

Oh! I just updated my mkdocs packages and now it works fine!

pip install --upgrade mkdocs
pip install --upgrade mkdocs-material
