
Search leads to 404 page when switching from a high result page

politikundbildung opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi! I think I've found a bug while using FragDenStaat and hope this is the right place to report it.

To reproduce:

  1. Search for a common term.
  2. Jump to the last page of the results which will have an URL like https://fragdenstaat.de/behoerden/?page=398&q=schule&jurisdiction=&category=&classification=
  3. In the sidebar on the left, click on a jurisdiction.

Result: You're redirected to the page https://fragdenstaat.de/behoerden/?page=398&q=schule&jurisdiction=nrw. This page doesn't exist, because the jurisdiction will naturally return less results than the whole country.

Expected result:
When choosing a jurisdiction from the sidebar, open the first page of results for that jurisdiction.

Thanks. The reason is that the page query parameter is reflected in the facetting links which does not make sense.