
Missing layout for Bundesland-Pages

tordans opened this issue · 0 comments

The pages for Bundesländer dont have a layout ATM.

This could be solved easily by adding

layout: page
script_include: home

to the _layouts/bundesland.html.

PS: And it seems to be a good idea to output {{ content }} there as well.
And also to wrap the custom JS on this page in a $(function(){}); on dom-ready.

But this is still not enough to get it working.

Another thing seems to be to move the custom script includes from _layouts/basic.html up and the {{ content }} below. I don't see and disadvantage. But it solves some JS errors.

But still, the autocomplete search does not work on the page.

Apart from this, I am not sure if the page layout is ideal from a conceptional point of view. What is the message of those sub-pages? And is this message really clear on the page?