
Migrate wordpress to jekyll here

Opened this issue ยท 12 comments


  • Track licenses in a diff-able, PR-able form
  • Easier for people to contribute
  • Simpler, fewer moving parts
  • It's a simple static website, and we don't need wordpress
  • Use a consistent simple theme
  • We use wordpress less and less
  • No spam


  • Research how many pages / posts in opendatacommons
    • Comments: 110. Can lost these. We can probably leave for now as mostly pingbacks. Most interesting are FAQs which should move to forum ...
    • Media Files: 3 (dbc10.txt, odbl10.txt, odc_by_1.0_public_text.txt). **COPIED to texts/. Need to do redirects maybe (see notes section below)
    • Posts: 32. None that important but nice to keep for historical purposes.
    • Pages: 37. Some trimming to be done here ...
  • Backup / export content: https://github.com/oki-archive/opendatacommons.org-wordpress
  • Skeleton the new site https://github.com/okfn/handbook-theme
    • copy over
    • tidy up taking out what we don't need
    • sort the front page
  • Import content from backup https://github.com/oki-archive/opendatacommons.org-wordpress
    • pages
    • posts
    • tidy
      • remove unnecessary metadata and markdownify content
      • correct directory structure for pages
  • Deploy on github pages
  • Switch DNS (cloudflare)
    • Move old site to old.opendatacommons.org for now so we can still access if we need
    • Update DNS for site to github

Converting from wordpress to jekyll

Notes & Questions


  • Add a FAQ or Forum link to navbar

Please ping here if you'd like to help out the in the migration.

sabas commented

"Deploy on github pages" if you activate in the repo it should build on http://okfnlabs.org/opendatacommons
when it's completed you could add the CNAME file

Preserving links to the license text is essential.

@rufuspollock Let me know if you would like some help.

@marctjones help would be awesome! Would you like to get the main pages in place - in a perfect world we'd re markdownify from the html export.


Preserving links to the license text is essential.

No links will be broken - i share your concern with keeping all links intact.

@rufuspollock I can take that on as a task to convert the content of the main pages to markdown. Just so we are on the same page, by main pages am I correct in assuming you mean https://opendatacommons.org/, https://opendatacommons.org/faq/licenses/, etc. ... .

@marctjones yes - i mean pages rather than posts. See item above "Import content from backup https://github.com/oki-archive/opendatacommons.org-wordpress" - focus on the pages part. ๐Ÿ˜„

Please ping here if you'd like to help out the in the migration.

I'd be willing to help if a migration is still desired.

I'm not sure whether github pages would be appropriate for a site with tons of legacy URLs some of which might need unsupported redirects, but it's worth investigating, and even if pages doesn't work out, migration to a static site still makes tons of sense.

One way to find the URLs that might be worth supporting (sort by captures to avoid probably spurious ones): http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://opendatacommons.org/*

@mlinksva that would be great - please dive in. We had made a decent start here in this repo ๐Ÿ˜„

@rufuspollock could you give me write access to this repo? I'll take care of outstanding PRs, and it'll be slightly less friction overall than working in my own fork.