
Closing date for mini grant scheme is different in EN and FR version

pyrog opened this issue · 2 comments

pyrog commented
  • Apply to the mini-grant scheme by midday GMT on Friday 5th February 2021.
  • Attention à l'appel à candidatures qui devrait être lancé en janvier 2020.

It seem that there is no closing date in other languages.

Thanks @pyrog for pointing out these issues. This is because the French translation of the opendataday.org website hasn't yet been updated by a Francophone speaker to reflect 2021 dates.

Are you able to help with this? Here is the fr translation file if you can update and submit a PR: https://github.com/okfn/opendataday/blob/master/content/contents%2Bfr.lr

pyrog commented

Done 😃

See #290