
Uploading files with large names

romicolman opened this issue · 4 comments


If you add a file with a large name, there is no way to see the name in full (no tooltip). Please, implement tooltip for file names.

Captura de pantalla 2024-08-26 a la(s) 8 23 38 a  m

Does this look ok? I have added a blue color because the white doesnt contrast with the background:

It can be placed anywhere, don't know if on the right:

Or below the filename:


What do you think @Faithkenny @romicolman ???

The blue background for the tooltip is a little jarring @guergana. I'm taking a look at MUI's implementation. I will share some ideas shortly.

@guergana I think my comment on the PR will be useful for the implementation. That tooltip overlaps with the table if the table is large.