[FINAL REPORT]: Intro section (2 pages max)
dannylammerhirt opened this issue · 1 comments
dannylammerhirt commented
This section lays out what the index is, what our goals are and what we will talk about in the report.
It will outline the report structure.
Highlight the theory of change and our goals incl. user-centric data assessment (usability of data in local communities), community ownership, and the attempt to bring community and government closer.
Explain that the report elaborates how we worked towards these goals and what our learnings are.
This will be written in the following paragraphs:
History and evolution of the index (TBD, one to two paragraphs)
Theory of Change
Short overview of Index users (government, submitters, researchers)
bridge to user engagement section
dannylammerhirt commented
@morchickit @svanderwaal to review