
combining 2 in 1

droushd opened this issue · 0 comments

function Convert-SIDGUID {
This will help translate SIDS into GUIDS and vice versa. Checks if input is SID or GUID and returns the other.

Based on code from https://tech.nicolonsky.ch/validating-a-guid-with-powershell/ and https://oliverkieselbach.com/2020/05/13/powershell-helpers-to-convert-azure-ad-object-ids-and-sids/

.PARAMETER InputObject
The SID or GUID to convert
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]

$tryguid = [guid]::TryParse($InputObject, $([ref][guid]::Empty))
if ($tryguid) {
    $bytes = [Guid]::Parse($ObjectId).ToByteArray()
    $array = New-Object 'UInt32[]' 4
    [Buffer]::BlockCopy($bytes, 0, $array, 0, 16)
    $sid = "S-1-12-1-$array".Replace(' ', '-')
    return $sid

try {
    $sid = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($InputObject) | foreach {$_.Value}
    $index = 'S-1-12-1-'.Length 
    $length = $sid.length - $index
    $text = $sid.Substring($index,$length)
    # $text = $sid.Replace('S-1-12-1-', '')
    $array = [UInt32[]]$text.Split('-')
    $bytes = New-Object 'Byte[]' 16
    [Buffer]::BlockCopy($array, 0, $bytes, 0, 16)
    [Guid]$guid = $bytes
    return $guid
catch {
    Return "No valid SID or GUID found"
