This Unity and Python project demonstrates motion capture, where Python, utilizing OpenCV, extracts landmarks from the video. These landmarks' data is then visualized in Unity.
Line count: 306 (FPS)
Each point represents a unique landmark and is visualized as an individual sphere.
Total landmarks detected: 33
Each line contains 32 points, each defined by 3 coordinates (x, y, and z).
The array of points consists of 99 values, equivalent to the total number of points in a row.
0 - nose 1 - left eye (inner) 2 - left eye 3 - left eye (outer) 4 - right eye (inner) 5 - right eye 6 - right eye (outer) 7 - left ear 8 - right ear 9 - mouth (left) 10 - mouth (right) 11 - left shoulder 12 - right shoulder 13 - left elbow 14 - right elbow 15 - left wrist 16 - right wrist 17 - left pinky 18 - right pinky 19 - left index 20 - right index 21 - left thumb 22 - right thumb 23 - left hip 24 - right hip 25 - left knee 26 - right knee 27 - left ankle 28 - right ankle 29 - left heel 30 - right heel 31 - left foot index 32 - right foot index
- MediaPipe
- Python
- Unity
- C#
- OpenCV