Running the excellent tixy.land on an LED panel off a Raspberry Pi. Huge credit to Alex Eden for the wonderful rpi-led-matrix library that made this whole project a delight and a breeze to work on.
You will need to setup your Raspberry Pi and LED Panel to work using hzeller's rpi-rgb-led-matrix library: https://github.com/hzeller/rpi-rgb-led-matrix
Use a Raspberry Pi 4. I started out this project using a Pi 2 and it got less than 1 FPS. Upgraded to the Pi 4 and it gets 120+ FPS. The 3 might be okay, I'm not sure.
Install Raspberry Pi OS, I used the lite version
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
install nvm:
Use unofficial builds to install node and npm:
AKA add this to .bashrc, before nvm is loaded
export NVM_NODEJS_ORG_MIRROR=https://unofficial-builds.nodejs.org/download/release
Then, after restarting session so nvm runs, you can
nvm ls-remote to see what's available and nvm install v14.10.0 (or whatever, I forget which version I used. It was the v14 LTS one) to install
then npm install in the directory
Disable raspberry pi audio with sudo vim /boot/config.txt and add dtparam=audio=off to the bottom then reboot
Modify src/_config.js to suit your needs. See https://github.com/alexeden/rpi-led-matrix#configuration for information on that config.
All of these use sudo to run as root :D
Running in current terminal
npm start
Running in tmux background session
npm run start-background
Connecting to tmux background session
npm run attach-background
Killing tmux background session
npm run kill-background
CLI that allows:
Go to nextGo to randomAdjust brightnessSet skip intervalSet speedInput your ownSave your own to a my_functions.json or similar- Save to favorites
- Set colors (rainbow would be cool)
- Set speed / brightness per example
Toggle centering fix
Fix centering (may be hard) (or do it for individual examples)
Fix i variable
Load up internet_examples
Fix evaluation, should use with(Math)
Add npm start script
Normalize values to -1 -> +1
Fix cursor when creating own function