
More descriptive errors to client

clarkritchie opened this issue · 1 comments

Thanks for making this package -- it's working really well so far.

Question: Is there a way to return more descriptive errors to the client? For example, requestPhoneVerification, which is only callable from the client, throws a descriptive error on the server (Error: Too often retries, try again in 15 seconds.), but all the client sees is a 500 Meteor Error.

Thanks again.

@clarkritchie i wasn't sure if its a best practice to return descriptive errors from login to the client,
For example wrong password or too often retries so an attacker could not try to out-smart the system by how it work, if you would like to add it you are more than welcome to change the errors on the methods to throw Meteor.Error(403, ' Error: Too often retries, try again in 15 seconds.') and create PR and i will merge it :)