
Every component return "Component Error"

cryoff opened this issue · 9 comments

python: python 3.10
OS: Win10
Related pip packages:

streamlit-elements    0.1.0
streamlit             1.9.0
okld commented

Hello @cryoff, could you share a sample code to reproduce the error?


from streamlit_elements import elements, mui

with elements("new_element"):
    mui.Typography("Hello world")

I tried to reproduce it in a minimal environment that comes with pip install streamlit-elements==0.1.*
Maybe the reason is Python 3.10.4 or Windows10. I will try with my linux (ubuntu) machine as well.

pip list:

Package               Version
--------------------- -----------
altair                4.2.0
argon2-cffi           21.3.0
argon2-cffi-bindings  21.2.0
asttokens             2.0.5
attrs                 21.4.0
backcall              0.2.0
beautifulsoup4        4.11.1
bleach                5.0.0
blinker               1.4
cachetools            5.1.0
certifi               2022.5.18.1
cffi                  1.15.0
charset-normalizer    2.0.12
click                 8.0.4
colorama              0.4.4
debugpy               1.6.0
decorator             5.1.1
defusedxml            0.7.1
entrypoints           0.4
executing             0.8.3
fastjsonschema        2.15.3
gitdb                 4.0.9
GitPython             3.1.27
idna                  3.3
importlib-metadata    4.11.4
ipykernel             6.13.0
ipython               8.3.0
ipython-genutils      0.2.0
ipywidgets            7.7.0
jedi                  0.18.1
Jinja2                3.1.2
jsonschema            4.5.1
jupyter-client        7.3.1
jupyter-core          4.10.0
jupyterlab-pygments   0.2.2
jupyterlab-widgets    1.1.0
MarkupSafe            2.1.1
matplotlib-inline     0.1.3
mistune               0.8.4
nbclient              0.6.3
nbconvert             6.5.0
nbformat              5.4.0
nest-asyncio          1.5.5
notebook              6.4.11
numpy                 1.22.4
packaging             21.3
pandas                1.4.2
pandocfilters         1.5.0
parso                 0.8.3
pickleshare           0.7.5
Pillow                9.1.1
pip                   21.3.1
prometheus-client     0.14.1
prompt-toolkit        3.0.29
protobuf              3.20.1
psutil                5.9.1
pure-eval             0.2.2
pyarrow               8.0.0
pycparser             2.21
pydeck                0.7.1
Pygments              2.12.0
Pympler               1.0.1
pyparsing             3.0.9
pyrsistent            0.18.1
python-dateutil       2.8.2
pytz                  2022.1
pytz-deprecation-shim 0.1.0.post0
pywin32               304
pywinpty              2.0.5
pyzmq                 23.0.0
requests              2.27.1
semver                2.13.0
Send2Trash            1.8.0
setuptools            60.2.0
six                   1.16.0
smmap                 5.0.0
soupsieve             2.3.2.post1
stack-data            0.2.0
streamlit             1.9.0
tzdata                2022.1
tzlocal               4.2
urllib3               1.26.9
validators            0.19.0
watchdog              2.1.8
wcwidth               0.2.5
webencodings          0.5.1
wheel                 0.37.1
widgetsnbextension    3.6.0
zipp                  3.8.0

Same happens with Python 3.8.10 on windows
Is there a way to look into logs?

okld commented

What browser and version are you using?
And can you check if you have any javascript error in your browser's developer console? Thank you

Browser: Chrome, Version 101.0.4951.67 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Error from console: https://mui.com/production-error/?code=9&args[]=blue

main.970d3503.chunk.js:2 Gather usage stats:  false
5.26b8f29c.chunk.js:2 Unrecognized feature: 'ambient-light-sensor'.
w @ 5.26b8f29c.chunk.js:2
5.26b8f29c.chunk.js:2 Unrecognized feature: 'battery'.
w @ 5.26b8f29c.chunk.js:2
5.26b8f29c.chunk.js:2 Unrecognized feature: 'layout-animations'.
w @ 5.26b8f29c.chunk.js:2
5.26b8f29c.chunk.js:2 Unrecognized feature: 'legacy-image-formats'.
w @ 5.26b8f29c.chunk.js:2
5.26b8f29c.chunk.js:2 Unrecognized feature: 'oversized-images'.
w @ 5.26b8f29c.chunk.js:2
5.26b8f29c.chunk.js:2 Unrecognized feature: 'vr'.
w @ 5.26b8f29c.chunk.js:2
5.26b8f29c.chunk.js:2 Unrecognized feature: 'wake-lock'.
w @ 5.26b8f29c.chunk.js:2
framework-523bc72b93065597.js:1 Error: Minified MUI error #9; visit https://mui.com/production-error/?code=9&args[]=blue for the full message.
    at i (1400-5e636e39d98b4fe8.js:46:21387)
    at f (1400-5e636e39d98b4fe8.js:46:22942)
    at k (1400-5e636e39d98b4fe8.js:46:3694)
    at C (1400-5e636e39d98b4fe8.js:46:5008)
    at x (1400-5e636e39d98b4fe8.js:46:5153)
    at j (1400-5e636e39d98b4fe8.js:46:7893)
    at 1521.5d042e15dfda625d.js:1:680
    at Ui (framework-523bc72b93065597.js:1:104671)
    at t.unstable_runWithPriority (framework-523bc72b93065597.js:1:129371)
    at Ql (framework-523bc72b93065597.js:1:44990)
cu @ framework-523bc72b93065597.js:1

Update: same issue when using Firefox 100.0.2 (64-bit)

Meanwhile, everything works nice both on Chrome and Firefox, when run under Ubuntu 22.04

okld commented

Could you check if your theme config in .streamlit/config.toml uses the value "blue"? It seems that colors specified this way are not supported by Material UI. A quick fix would be to replace "blue" with "#00F", and any other color name with their hex equivalent.

Awesome, thank you for the help!! Changed to "#00F" in the config.toml and it works now. Interesting, why it still works under ubuntu.

okld commented

I suppose you have a different streamlit config file under Ubuntu. I'll fix this issue in the next release.