
A Simple Java Multi-Threaded Tcp/IP Proxy Server

Primary LanguageJava


Simple tcp/ip proxy server written in java.


It uses shadowJar jar plugin for making fat-jat. You can build fat-jar with following command:

gradle clean build

This command creates fat-jar under build/libs/tcp-proxy.jar.

Run Application

Application takes three arguments for creating tcp server and connecting to remote host

  • -DremoteHost=remoteServerOrIpAddress
  • -DremotePort=remoteServerPort
  • -Dport=tcpServerPort
java -DremoteHost=server.tld -DremotePort=10000 -Dport=5000 -jar tcp-proxy.jar

In the above example application accepts connection on 5000 port and forwards request to server.tld:10000 and also send server.tld:10000's responses to client

Docker Build

This application also has docker image. You can pull image from https://hub.docker.com/r/oksuz/tcp-proxy/

You can run this image like this:

docker run --name my-tcp-proxy -p5000:5000 -eREMOTE_HOST=server.tld -eREMOTE_PORT=10000 -d oksuz/tcp-proxy

Default exposed port is 5000. It means if you don't provide PORT env. variable default tcp server port is 5000. Also you can provide PORT env variable like this:

docker run --name my-tcp-proxy -p5001:5001 -ePORT=5001 -eREMOTE_HOST=server.tld -eREMOTE_PORT=10000 -d oksuz/tcp-proxy
