
passwordExpireDays not decoded into model from response

Shagans982 opened this issue · 4 comments

On the PASSWORD_WARN status we are getting back passwordExpireDays value but after decoding the response, its never added to the model.




but the model shows: (partial)
- some : "MobileTest2" ▿ lastName : Optional<String> - some : "Test" ▿ locale : Optional<String> - some : "en" ▿ timeZone : Optional<String> - some : "America/Los_Angeles" - recoveryQuestion : nil - target : nil

policy : Optional
▿ some : Policy
▿ rememberDevice : RememberDevice
- allowRememberDevice : nil
- rememberDeviceByDefault : nil
- rememberDeviceLifetimeInMinutes : nil

`  - authentication : nil
  - factor : nil
  - factors : nil`

Look like in OktaModels the logic is wrong.
public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws { let container = try decoder.singleValueContainer() if let rememberDevice = try? container.decode(RememberDevice.self) { self = .rememberDevice(rememberDevice) } else if let password = try? container.decode(Password.self) { self = .password(password) } else { throw DecodingError.typeMismatch( Policy.self, DecodingError.Context(codingPath: decoder.codingPath, debugDescription: "Wrong type for Policy") ) } }

It ignores password if remember device is present. If I make password the first case, it works.

@Shagans982 , thanks for reporting this and your investigation. Issue is being addressed

Thanks - Can you share the fix that was made? Server side?

@Shagans982 , sure, pr is opened - #102