
Signup Redirection Issue

zlannin opened this issue · 3 comments

Users who signup for our app but verify their email from a different device like desktop web. It appears the verify email button is trying to use the app callback url com.okta.dev-123456:/callback?iss=<oauth url>&login_hint=EMAIL_VERIFICATION&session_hint=AUTHENTICATED&login_hint=<registered users email>. This is causing users to see a 404 page when clicking Verify Email.

What type of application are you experiencing this issue with? Is it Ionic or React Native?

Either way, I don't think this is an issue that's related to this library.

Ionic Capacitor. I'm asking here as well because I wasn't sure if there was a setting I could change.

It's not a setting you can change in your code (or the code this library generates) as far as I know. I'd suggest asking about it on our Developer Forums.