
Request: Text Match for PlaceholderAPI Requirement

austin4195 opened this issue · 3 comments

I noticed when I was reading the new Rankup 3.12 wiki that the PlaceholderAPI Requirement requires the use of a hard number. This is potentially a problem for the system I was doing where using %discordsrv_islinked% resolves to a "yes" or "no"

Would it be possible to modify the PlaceholderAPI requirement to accept when == is used an exact text match?

This is already the functionality of the placeholder requirement, for example placeholder %discordsrv_islinked% = yes

I do apologize for the misunderstanding. From reading the wiki, it sounded like it had to resolve to a number for the placeholderapi stuff to work correctly.

A single = will do an exact text match, all other operations including == will compare by first converting to a number.