
Timestamp request expired

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Suddenly I get this message for any request
{'msg': 'Timestamp request expired', 'code': '50102'}

  • I tried change the api key
  • change timezone

nothing worked, mostly the problem from server :(

class OkxClient(Client):
    def _request(self, method, request_path, params):
        if method == c.GET:
            request_path = request_path + utils.parse_params_to_str(params)
        #timestamp = utils.get_timestamp() <--- comment
        #if self.use_server_time:                    <--- comment
        timestamp = self._get_timestamp()
        body = json.dumps(params) if method == c.POST else ""
        if self.API_KEY != '-1':
            sign = utils.sign(utils.pre_hash(timestamp, method, request_path, str(body), self.debug), self.API_SECRET_KEY)
            header = utils.get_header(self.API_KEY, sign, timestamp, self.PASSPHRASE, self.flag, self.debug)
            header = utils.get_header_no_sign(self.flag, self.debug)
        response = None
        if self.debug == True:
            logger.debug(f'domain: {self.domain}')
            logger.debug(f'url: {request_path}')
        if method == c.GET:
            response = self.get(request_path, headers=header)
        elif method == c.POST:
            response = self.post(request_path, data=body, headers=header)
        return response.json()

Please make sure you updated okx-python lib to the latest version

You should get request timestamp locally, not by the timestamp fetch by API