
Unexpected token ) with comments in functions

Auo opened this issue · 2 comments

Auo commented

version: 1.1.2
node: 9.5.0
npm: 5.6.0
os: macOS High Sierra

const dot = require('dot');

const string = `{{
      function heyo() {
          // this should crash

Could not create a template function: var out=''; function heyo() { // this should crash console.log('hello'); } return out;
			throw e;

SyntaxError: Unexpected token )

I guess the problem is to know where the comment ends and where the code starts when everything gets on the same line.

Just thought I would share this for future reference.

Yeah, it´s a bit annoying and I think there isn't an easy solution, the workaround that I use is to
/* comment */ like this

Or disable option that strips the white space so the end of line is preserved. But in general, it’s better to use /**/ comments syntax