
Using single curly braces as delimiters doesn't work

nfantone opened this issue · 1 comments

I was messing around with the new delimiters option released in 2.0.0-beta.1 and found out that setting { and } as start and end delimiters respectively, breaks in some cases.

const dot = require('dot')

const tmpl = dot.template('{?merchant}/{=merchant}{?}/{=version}/{=product}', {
  argName: ['merchant', 'version', 'product'],
  delimiters: { start: '{', end: '}' },

tmpl({ product: 'cookie', version: '1.0.0', merchant: '243' }) 🐛 

// Could not create a template function: let out='';if(merchant)';out+='/'+(merchant);out+='out+='/'+(version)+'/'+(product);return out;
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier

If I don't use conditionals in my template string, the rendering works fine.

const tmpl = dot.template('/{=merchant}/{=version}/{=product}', {
  argName: ['merchant', 'version', 'product'],
  delimiters: { start: '{', end: '}' },

tmpl({ product: 'cookie', version: '1.0.0', merchant: '243' })  
// '/243/1.0.0/cookie'

Other delimiters that I've tried, such as [ and ], seem to work fine in all scenarios, though.

Yep, confirming this, using custom delimiters will break conditionals.