
Comfortable with GoFiber framework?

shahriar350 opened this issue · 3 comments

I am working with GoFiber. I feel comfortable seeing this WebSocket framework. Can I use this in my GoFiber application?

FastHTTP is not supported by gorilla/websocket-

idc77 commented

fasthttp/websocket is a fork of gorilla/websocket.
What are the odds this might be adapted?

I did a super quick hacky fork of Melody because I needed it to work with Fiber as well: https://github.com/codecat/melody

Definitely not gonna be maintaining it as much (I also removed the tests because I didn't wanna rewrite all of those), but it's usable in its current state, if anyone needs it.

api.Get("/live", func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
	return gMelody.HandleRequest(c.Context())