
Code needs some cleaning and optimizations

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There are obsolete code fragments inherited from the ObservableHQ notebook (see #1), which shall be removed (for instance, decide for a bounding box algorithm).


  • Does the bounding sphere algorithm really work better than the bounding box of the areas? Check whether we really need all the code of the bsphereGeom() getter
  • The infobox at the bottom of the map should go, it was just there to show state and help development DONE 06.09.2022 commit 64fbd03
    • then remove injected id property from this._projectionDef (h3-worldmap.js:willUpdate()), which was introduced by PR #21 — as it served only the display of the infobox;
    • and restore usage of 100% of available height for the worldmap — currently arbitrarily fixed at 66vh because of the space used by the infobox (src/views/host.js:hostStyles)
  • Optimizations: review the geometry builder functions, that return the D3 projections (_buildPathFn(), _pathFn(), src/core/geometries/**), and determine how they could cache their computations, as long as their sources did not change; probably be they should be defined at willUpdate() time — instead of being recalculated anytime they get invoked, as it is now the case
  • Formatting: run npm run format, eventually tweak the ES Linter/Prettier settings (I saw some pedantic end-of-HTML-tag alone on a line, which are not desirable IMO), and version the results NOTE 29.04 OL moved this to #22

See also