
No changes in schema detected.

rafaelanchieta opened this issue · 5 comments

When I run python manager.py db migrate after running python manager.py db init, the following message appears.

INFO [alembic.env] No changes in schema detected.

And no table is created.

You will be executing the migrations for the first time ?

I'm am also getting this issue. Have you found a fix to it?

i think i know where the issue came from but i cannot solve it, it's related to your **required variable Environment
** I try a lot of adresses for my db but even for me it's not working well.
The probleme is related to this cmd export DATABASE_URL= postgres://name:password@houst:port/blog_api_db.

from .BlogpostModel import BlogpostModel, BlogpostSchema
from .UserModel import UserModel, UserModelSchema

Add these two lines in the end of models_init_.py file & the issue will be fixed.
