
Mild clarity issue in NVMe Usage Example

Closed this issue · 1 comments

There are some issues with clarity in the NVMe Usage Example section:

  • there is a reference to test_nvme.sh, which is not used at all in the example batch script
  • There is a Job submssion script: check_nvme.lsf. in bold in the middle of the paragraph (presumably this was meant to be the title of the code block below the paragraph)
  • In the table comparing job scripts that use GPFS vs NVMe, there is no explanation of what NAS-BTIO, btio, and input* refer to. I can understand based on context clues that maybe input* refers to files that btio will write to, or something like that. But a small note explaining that might be helpful.

If you can provide some info on this, especially the third point, I can submit a pull request with these fixed.

These docs are pretty awesome otherwise!

Something like:
BT-IO is part of the NAS parallel benchmark set, which is based on one of the computational kernels. The BT benchmark is based on a CFD code that uses an implicit algorithm to solve the 3D compressible Navier-Stokes equations. The benchmark requires an input file with the 3D dimensions as also the number of the timesteps for the solution.