
ExileMod is not loading with ATK

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Hey Guys,

i have a Problem i install the Complete ATK with Furniture and Vanilla and the Problem ist, if it try to make something InGame in the ExileMod Menu i got this Error:

3:25:33 Warning Message: Script x\admintoolkit_servercfg\extension\ExileMod.sqf not found 3:25:33 Warning Message: Script x\admintoolkit_servercfg\extension\VanillaAI.sqf not found 3:25:33 Warning Message: Script x\admintoolkit_servercfg\extension\Furniture.sqf not found

Furniture works perfectly and Vanilla i cant use cause i got the Message in Chat: "Is not inplement yet. Coming soon...". So pls can you help me that i can use the ExileMod Menu?

Thx and have a nice Day :)

can you please make sure the @AdminToolkit folder is only Installed on the client and only the @AdminToolkitServer folder is copied to the server!

Do not copy both folders onto the server

The Serverfolder is on Server and the other Folder on my PC but the ExileModMenu dont works. I mean, i see the Menu ingame in the ATK and i can click on that but if i try to give myself money or something i got the Error i write above this Post.

I post for you my edit files, maybe its my fault cause iam to stupid for that. Idk...

MissionFile: Exile.Malden config:

`class CfgAdminToolkitCustomMod {
/* Exclude some main menu items
* To only show the menus loaded from an extension, use:
* ExcludeMenu[] = {"Players", "Vehicles", "Weapons" , "Other"};
ExcludeMenu[] = {};

Extensions[] = {
	{"Exile Mod","ExileMod"},
	{"Vanilla AI","VanillaAI"},
	{"Stoll Furniture","Furniture"}

/* 4 Quick buttons allowing to add any action you want - See example below*/
QuickButtons[] = {
	/* send a chat message to selected player containing 'Test 123' */
	{"Chat", "['message', [AdminToolkit_Player, 'Test 123']] call AdminToolkit_doAction"},
	/* send a message to everyone using the parameters text field */
	{"Msg To All", "['messageall', AdminToolkit_Params] call AdminToolkit_doAction"},
	/* Quickly get a Helicopter */
	{"Heli", "['getvehicle', 'B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F'] call AdminToolkit_doAction"},


MissionFile: Exile.Malden description.ext:

`#include "config.cpp"

Extensions[] = {
* Usage: "", ".sqf"
{"Exile Mod","ExileMod"},
{"Vanilla AI","VanillaAI"},
{"Stoll Furniture","Furniture"}

In the Missionfile i have the ATK Folder -> extension -> and all 3 SQF (ExileMod, Furniture, VanillaAI)

And the ATK_servercfg is correct with PW and my Steam-ArmaUID.
I dont know what i make wrong. I make both Tutorials, that from YouTube and here on Github and the piont is, if i make that EXACTLY how in the tutorial, i dont see the Furniture InGame in the ATK Menu. Maybe the Tutorial is outdated cause its 2-3 Years old. I hope you can help me.

BTW, sry for my bad English, iam German but i try my Best :)

BTW i start A3 only with Exile and ATK mod. Nothing other Mod is loading in there.

Have you repacked the admintoolkit_servercfg.
If yes, which packer you have choosen?

A possible reason, why the files you mentioned above are not being found is that the $pboprefix$ file is not properly recognized by the packing tool.

Usually I use the AddonBuilder for server / client pbos
And FileBank to pack the mission files

The AddonBuild accepts the $PBOPREFIX$ file while FileBank ignores it. That is why its important to pack ther server files with AddonBuilder

I use PBO Manager, that i used for years without problems.
Maybe u can help me with Teamviewer cause thats way fastern than here in Forum cause u can see/use my Computer.

I used Addon Builder for the admintoolkitcfg now but on my missionfile Exile.Malden i got this error


And i have a Problem with Addon Builder cause its packed not complete. The extension Folder is not in the PBO, idk why...

use filebank for the mission file to pack it

Same Problem. I delete ATK cause i have not the motivation to fix every Day something on this Mod. I got some errors in Console and more....
I need german Support for that and somebody user what helps me.

I can imaging being the only one having issues with ATK can be very frustrating.
You can send me a pm on exilemod.com and we can arrange a remote support (even in german).

My username on exilemod.com: Ole

Thank you