Termux-box installation script erased all my storage
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Only the Android folder was left, all my apps are still running with they own saved data. Fortunately I made a backup of my photos not so long ago, so I kinda appreciate the extra space but such bug is very dangerous.
The storage erasing happened in some point between this steps. I did NOT run any command in termux, only the installation script of termux-box
- Install termux-box in chroot
- Since steam wasn't working I tried to change to Proot containing method. After doing in the settings of termux-box it said something like "./start-proot.sh" not found
- Tried to rerun the installation script, this time it showed many "can't erase xxxxxx" in a "ubuntu-sh" folder
- Selected Proot for installation and again it said "./start-proot.sh" not found
- Cleaned all the data of termux in android settings
- Reinstalled termux-box, this time there wasn't any error messages
- Selected Proot and again didn't work
- Erased termux data in android settings
- Denied root permissions to termux
- Reinstall termux-box, many "denied permission" showed up
- Selected Proot again and after a few "denied permission" it just stops and does nothing
After this is when I realized that all my storage was gone
you didn't unmount folders before
Cleaned all the data of termux in android settings
I see, never saw uninstall instructions so I thought it was enough cleaning the data. May I ask how to properly uninstall so this doesn't happen again?
the safest way is to delete whatever you want after reboot
Well, I actually the day before was trying various options, box64droid, winlator until termux-box which was the one I liked the most. Today in the morning while trying to boot box64 in proot was when my storage was erased, so I don't know if was the install script fault or a termux app bug.
I redid the steps I wrote but it did not erase anything. I guest I have to reboot every time I have to reinstall and hope it doesn't happen again.
May I ask that if I manually execute the script start-proot.sh inside the termux-box folder does boot box64 properly in proot containment?
Unmount problems can sometimes happen. I don't have root and I can't fix all rooted version problems yet
script could be started with
sudo -E unshare -m ./script
no mounts in global namespace - no problems
(script needs adjustment for unshare)
Guys don't you erase them manually in file manager
Hey, How can I avoid this? What is the proper way of uninstallation?
The safest way is to uninstall after a reboot. After rebooting you can either use the script option to uninstall if available or erase termux app data