Installed as per the README but nothing happens?
vitobotta opened this issue · 5 comments
Hi! I just installed Iris with Helm, and am trying to use it with a little service as destination which just prints out the even data for now. The service itself works, but when I create/delete pods etc in the default namespace, nothing happens. I am using the same configuration as in the README apart from the URL of the service, which is in the format http://<service name>.<service ns>.svc.cluster.local
. I also don't see anything in Iris' logs apart from the startup messages.
What can I do? Thanks! :)
I forgot to mention that the container didn't start at first, complaining about the kubeconfig. So I am using now the --in-cluster argument as per #34 and the pod starts now.
It looks like it's a problem when installing with helm... I made the changes to the deployment following this and I see some activity in the logs, although it's not firing a request to my service yet...
Got it working, I had forgotten to specify the port in the URL.
I spoke too soon... everything works with the default namespace, but I am trying to watch events in the velero namespace - my ultimate goal is to get slack notifications of backups. If I just change the namespace nothing happens. Any idea?
Thanks @vitobotta for the report.
I'm not able to check into this before the 3rd of November.
Will update once have any news.