
Icon is bigger than all other icons / Shadow

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Icon and progress circle are bigger than other icons:

icon-shadow nor text-shadow are applied.

The missing padding is already discussed in #7.

I don't see much of a shadow in the screenshot, even for the other icons...

Anyhow, I'm in the process of rewriting the theming stuff in the theme_awareness branch. I'm still trying to figure out the best approach to respect the padding etc - e.g. do the stuff inside the drawing area of the TwoColorIcon class in icon.js, or in the TeaTime class itself. And I'm wondering why the PanelButton class, which TeaTime extends, doesn't do the padding itself.

In the older version I had, the padding was done by that PanelButton itself.

It's just a very weak shadow, yes.

For the size, you should read the setting from the current theme and pass it here: https://github.com/kelunik/gnome-shell-teatime/blob/master/src/extension.js#L151

oleid commented

Padding should be fixed in the theme_awareness branch. Yet, I still can't detect any shadow. Could you point me to a theme, where the shadow is obvious?

I guess implementing the shadow is simple, I just need to know how it should look like.

If you want an obvious shadow, just increase it here from 0.2 to 1:

You can package the theme using zip.sh.

oleid commented

Okay, now I can see shadows. But drawing shadows seems not to be as simple as I thought. There's not even a blur function in cairo and I'd like to avoid implementing one in JS. I'll investigate what's the best way to add shadows and keep the animation.

I'm not sure, but I don't think this should be done by the extension. I think this is the job of gnome-shell itself.

oleid commented

Yes, I concur. If it was possible to fill a St.Icon with something you draw in a St.DrawingArea, we'd be done... But I couldn't find a way, so far..

Maybe the gnome-shell mailing list has an answer...