
simple route filtering middleware for ring

Primary LanguageClojure


Very simple route filtering middleware To use, add to your project's dependencies:

:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.4.0"]
               [ring-filter-routes "0.1.1"]]


Takes a vector of filter rules. Each rule is a hash-map of :url a :check function and an :else-action to execute if the check fails. For instance

(def app-filters
  [{:url "/moria"
    :check (fn [req] (= (session/current-user) :balrog))
    :else-action (fn [req] (ring/redirect "/shallnotpass"))}

   {:url #"/winterfell/.*"
    :check (fn [req] (= (westeros/season) :winter))
    :else-action (fn [req] (do (println "Winter is Coming...")
                           (ring/redirect "/season1")))}])
;in your app def just add
(def app
  (-> (handler/site main-routes)
      (wrap-filter-routes app-filters)))

The function passed as :else-action is executed instead of (app req), so make sure you add an appropriate ring response.


Copyright © 2013 Omer Iqbal

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.