Two issues with Geophone on Arduino Due
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(1) Multiple warnings on "narrowing conversion of [number] from 'int' to 'const int16_t in <twiddle_factors_256_br.h>
line 10: const int16_t twiddle_real[ 256 ] PROGMEM =
line 46: const int16_t twiddle_imag[ 256 ] PROGMEM =
Adding compiler directived for MEGA and DUE removes the problem. E.g.:
Expand line 46 to:
if defined( ARDUINO_AVR_MEGA2560 )
const int16_t twiddle_imag[ 256 ] PROGMEM =
elif defined( ARDUINO_SAM_DUE )
const int twiddle_imag[ 256 ] PROGMEM =
Expand line 10 to:
if defined( ARDUINO_AVR_MEGA2560 )
const int16_t twiddle_real[ 256 ] PROGMEM =
elif defined( ARDUINO_SAM_DUE )
const int twiddle_real[ 256 ] PROGMEM =
(2) Invalid conversion from 'int' to 'eAnalogReference' in <Geophone.ino>
line 1110: analogReference( DEFAULT );
According to the Arduino Due documentation, the analogReference() function is ignored on the Due.
Adding compiler directives restricting the analogReference to the MEGA removes the issue:
Expand line 1110 to:
#if defined( ARDUINO_AVR_MEGA2560 )
analogReference( DEFAULT );