
Change date format

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With the previous version I was able to change the date format. Now I can't get it to work. I want to display something like this: 18 April

olibos commented

Hello @FrodoVB ,

That's strange because there was no change, that I can remember, about the date mechanisme in this integration.
What was your previous version? To let me check ๐Ÿ˜‰

Have a nice day


Thanks for your quick reply.
I'm not really sure what the previous version was...
I do remember that you had to paste a certain code in the configuration.yaml file where you could customize certain things.

olibos commented

Oh I think you were using waste_collection_schedule, which is configured with configuration.yaml and offer date formatting.

On my side, the configuration is done with Config Flow from the start ๐Ÿ˜‰.
I don't think I can change the sensor behavior without making a breaking change for current users.

Here are some alternatives I can think of:

  • Use a custom card which let's you put the format you want to display
  • Use a Template Sensor which format the date (sample here)

Hope it helps

Okay, that's where I went wrong...
Thanks for all the information!

olibos commented

You're welcome ๐Ÿ‘