
Get Info about Crate

Closed this issue · 7 comments

In your docs you were mentioning that it is possible to get info about a crate like is beeing taken / was taken. But i could not figure out how i would get this info. Can you help me out here?

Grate library btw!

Sure! So it’s not an exact science however you can detect the crate marker disappearing to know it has just been taken and also you can detect the chinook flying in to know that it is being hacked.

There have been many implementations of this that I have seen, so feel free to head to our discord to discuss it more!

I have thought of that method with the chinook to. Dose the Chinook only fly to oil to drop crate?

There will be a chinook when the crate is taken and also the one that flies around the map can go to oil rig, so you must check this

How do i know which on is dropping the crate? dose it stay longer?

no it stays for less time, you can use the fact that it just beelines straight for the rig though

Phuuu i will have to to some math here hahah.

That’s the best bit